Sunday, May 4, 2008

Homosexuality ok according to Saint Augustine?

In Friday's class we talked about what would Augustine think about gay marriage and if he would ever come to accept it because it is becoming a more modern and accepted status.  Personally, I feel as though even if it is widely accepted by people today, that still in the Catholic church it is strongly frowned upon.
Even if other churches find it acceptable to practice homosexuality today, the Catholic church still opposes it.  Gay marriage is a much more degrading sin than pre-martial sex.  The Catholic church says that for birth control that one couple must use the rhythm method over birth control.  It however, does not say anything about dealing with homosexuality.  If Catholics are against this now would not Saint Augustine still feel the same way too?
Augustine would certainly have an open-mind towards accepted practices by the Catholic church today, but homosexuality has not gotten to that level yet.

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