Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Response to Clifford Geertz's Definition of Religion

Geertz's definition of Religion has a very scientific approach to it.  But the fact of the matter is religion is no science.  Simply put, religion can help implement morals in human beings while living in this world.  For example, the ten commandments.  Not only does it do this, but help further justify our place.  His definition explains our existence in this world and what our purpose is.  
Geertz's refers to religion in his definition as a "system".  Who knows if it is an exact "system"?  I or people that follow a religion choose to believe in something because we have "faith".  An important aspect of one's religion is one's faith toward a higher being and believing in the right morals.
I disagree with Geertz's point of view.  His definition seems as if it is coming from an atheists's point of view.  Religion is more than that.  To some, it is in his or her life every single day.  Geertz's use of the quote "uniquely realistic" makes religion seem as if the occurrence's in one's life are very coincidental.

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